Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What I have bought - Week 1

You will be seeing weekly updates about what I have been spending my money on and what big business I am sadly supporting...

This also give me a visual insight to how much I am spending and on what...I am being completely honest with you guys (and myself) and putting every penny down! We may both be shocked :)


Batteries, Safety Pins, zip ties - $12

Whole Foods

Groceries (salmon, baby veggies, hummus, teriyaki sauce) - $40

Bone Daddy's
It was a co-worker's bday. Split a meal with a friend - $11

Chick-Fil A (fast food)

It was the last day to use my promo coupon for 24 nuggets. So I used that for dinner (bought fries only) - $5


Dog Food for Dax - $43

7-11 (convenient store)
Slurpee - $2

Saturday: My mother came into town. She's a total over-consumer, so I got sucked into spending money, but it was not mine..it was hers. Still I feel I have to annotate the expenses, even though it wasn't my money, because I participated in the purchases.

Babies R Us
Bottles for Kaeden and Booster seat for LT - $ 93

Regal Cinemas
Lauren and Kaeden's first movie (Igor) - $30

Exxon Mobile
Newspaper (for coupons) - $1.60

Whataburger (fast food)
Drink and FF - $3

I have to explain this one...So I put a bunch of LT's clothes in a consignment sale over the weekend. I was supposed to pick up my leftover stuff at 6:45pm. I got there at 6:40 and they told me to turn around and come back in 5 mins. I didn't want to just drive around so I went across the street to get some fries and a drink...which took 5 minutes exactly! Although I spent 3 bucks on fast food, I made $315 by consigning all of LT's old clothes. Not bad, huh!? Good thing about it all is that LT's clothes are being re-used instead of just sitting in a closet taking up space.

Shipping costs for returning a router - $12

Sonic (fast food)
2 corndogs and a diet cherry limeade (forgot my lunch...yea, this was real healthy ha!) - $2

HEB (supermarket)
Groceries (fruits, veggies, and turkey to make Kaeden's baby food; meat; cheese; yogurt; milk) - $60

YAY! My first day of not spending money!!!!
no biz
no items

The final tally for Week One:
Needs: $261.60
Waste: $ 53

So it looks like the total for needs is much higher than expected. That's only because we had to buy another carseat for Lauren so Kaeden could have hers. I also spent a lot at Whole Foods, when I could have gotten those groceries cheaper elsewhere I am sure. Dax had dog food and that's a monthly expense, not weekly (so it added to my total). My waste amount doesn't seem that bad, but it actually is!! I would like to try and cut that down to $25 next week, which will be my goal.

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Blogger Vivian said...

hahaha - AWESOME!! You're doing such a great job!!! I read that clipping coupons and getting a deal on stuff has gone up like 198% or something since past years... Like people don't want to give up their goods but are trying to find super deals for them..

Sooo funny that you explained your FF&Drink.. hahah ;)

How'd they like Igor?! How were they? I remember when I took my brother when he was little.. and he kept getting up and wanting to go buy stuff from the counter.. hahah ;)

4:08 PM

Blogger marii said...

Everyone is always looking for a great deal right?! That's how they get you! I like Eric's philosophy on it: I say, "I saved 50%! on blah because I used this coupon" and he says, "you could have saved 50% more if you just didn't buy it!" ha ha.

BOOOO. Igor sucked! I personally thought the movie was dumb. Lauren was fascinated by it only because it was a movie. Kaeden did so well...I couldn't believe it, but he made it through the whole movie in his carseat. I thought he would lose it at the loudest noise, the guy cries every time I sneeze.

Lauren did great because we bought/brought snacks. So she was happy just watching a movie and eating snacks. She had to go to the potty once and that was the only time she got up!

We are planning on going to see Madagascar 2 when it comes out. She loves that movie, so I know we will ALL enjoy that one.

It was a toss up between Igor or that Chihuahua movie. I thought she would like Igor better cuz it was a "cartoon". Found out Monday that Chihuahua movie was the number one grossing film that weekend. Bad pick on my part, but I didn't wanna watch a bunch of talking dogs...haha.

4:28 PM

Blogger Vivian said...

chyeahh!! hahah =) When I heard that the Chihuahua movie did so good.. i was sooo surprised! hahaha :) Sounds like you might've been better off seeing that one.. I wasn't particular interested either. Not a fan of talking real animals (cartoon is fine... just not real-life.. hahah :)) Man! That is really cool! Did Kaeden actually watch it or did he fall asleep? haha :) Dude.. LT is soooo awesome!! How cooL! Yah! I'm sure Madagascar 2 will be wayyyyyyyy better!!

4:49 PM


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