A night to remember
Last week I heard a radio advertisement that the "Playhouse Disney Live! Show" was coming to town. I got online as soon as I could and tried to buy tickets. Well, there weren't any good seats left :( I guess tickets started going on sale back in May...sheesh!
I started researching Craigslist and there were a few people selling tickets. There was your normal reseller that was trying to sell 'terrible seating $30 tickets' for $80-$100! LAME!!!! I did get hooked up with an older couple that had tickets to sell for a reasonable price. I paid $10 over the original price for each ticket. They were the most amazing seats I have ever had...I don't think I have ever been this close to any event!
I hit traffic on the 35 and started to get worried that we would be super late! Tired of sitting in traffic, I ended up taking an exit and just happened to come upon a shortcut to the venue! haha! I felt like the luckiest person in the world....until I got to parking. Then I realized that I would run into another problem!
I thought I was going to have to park miles away, but decided to try the parking lot right next to the venue. Before we left the house, I had been debating what car to take and decided on the Jetta (ended up being the second smartest decision of the day!). So I get through the parking attendant and proceed to a parking space. There was one RIGHT UP FRONT, in between two ginormous trucks who had parked way over their lines. It was too small for any normal sized car, but my itty-bitty jetta was just the perfect squeeze...it was meant to be!!!! I didn't care if I got dings from their huge doors, cuz it's just the jetta! Well, it just so happens that I got outta there before they even got to their cars (last one in, first one out...so no dings!).
Okay, so enough about the details....
Here are some videos of the show (nevermind, can't get them to work yet. coming soon!) ...it was a perfect evening!
Oh, I didn't get a shot of this but Mickey and Minnie kissed at the end of the show!!! IT WAS SOOOO CUTE!!!
So cute!!! Yes, we do take care of Minnie & Mickey stuff for the kids!!! :) That is annoying with someone blocking you... I think there should be a rule about that.... they can only sit on the ends! And short people should sit in the middle!!! GAH!
12:23 PM
Dudeee!!! That must have been AWESOME for her!!!! Like to see your fav shows for reals!! In front of your eyes instead of on a screen!! Soooo adorable that she was so excited she didn't even take a nap! haha! I bet she had awesome dreams that night! =D
Dude!! You seriously went all out on the gear! Love it! hahaha =) Probably going to be one of the days she remembers for the rest of her life! haha =) What a great mom! =D
Holy Cow!1 You seriously got awesome seats! Like just a couple rows from the front! Nice one! Great job on the Craiglist-ing! haha =) Not too bad of a price too!
Bummer about fro-mom.. but at least everything else sounds like it turned out perfectly! =D
Her eyes must've been HUGE when she saw everything in person! Soooo awesome! I can't wait till you guys come out and we can go to Disneyland! She's gonna be like Ahhh!! =D
9:14 PM
Nice. Gah, why is it that the tall people always have to sit right in front of you, with their gigantic heads sticking up like Kilimanjaro?! Good story though.
1:10 AM
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